Monday, July 27, 2020

Quality Blog Comment

We have the power to make people feel great with our positive comments, so we need to make sure we don’t upset the blogger with a negative comment. We used the programme Make Beliefs Comix to make a comic strip about a quality blog comment. It was fun but a little bit challenging to make the comic strip. Have a read of our comic strips. Do they make you feel proud?


  1. Bula my name is nico and I REALLY REALLY REALLY like your short comment comic. the characters are really cool. Maybe you could try not to write out of the callout. how did you make this template?

  2. they have cool stuff V

  3. hi v my name is Jackson i am your tuhi mai tuhi atu i like your blog post
    next time maybe make some of the words see able


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.